Sunday, May 3, 2009


Well, I just wanted to let everyone know that we have choosen godparents for Kaleigh and they have accepted the request. As my mom said it was an obvious choice. Mike and Susan, our neighbors and friends. They already love Kaleigh and she loves them and we know they are going to very important people in her life. They are on their own journey to bring their son home from China and hopefully CCAA will get on the ball and speed up on their end so Cameron can come home soon. So will Cameron be Kaleigh's best buddy or her future husband??? Only time will tell. I wonder if my parents and their friends tried to plan out our lives when we were young like this?? Anyway we just want to say thank you to Mike and Susan for saying yes.

1 comment:

Ella Faith's Mommy said...

I am so happy for you all - I think you made a great decision choosing Mike and Susan! XO