Thursday, May 13, 2010

No pictures this time

No pictures this time but I just have to share this week with everyone. First Kaleigh just hasn't been feeling herself since last week but it was nothing that we could really put our finger on until Tuesday when she just woke up just moody and needy. I took her to daycare and just around 1pm they called and said that she had continued to cry off and on almost all day and about 30 minutes later they called to say she was finally running a temp. So off to the doctor we go. They check her for almost everything and .................nothing! No flu no strep no ear infection nothing. She did throw up in the doctor's office and had a fever of 102.6 but I don't know if she just got herself worked up and that shot the temp up and caused her to throw up but she was extremely lethargic as well. She woke up the next day feeling better but energy level was still a little low and on Thursday she was back to herself until around noon when she fell while playing with daddy on her swing set and got her arm caught in the fall. So after a phone call from my husband to come home and look at her wrist, we decided back to the doctor's office. We just knew her wrist had at least a hairline fracture but it turns out her wrist was fine. She had "nurse maids elbow". It is a slight dislocation in the elbow that frequently happens in young kids and the doctor popped in back in and I kid you not....she was laughing and using the arm within about 30 seconds! Mommy is just wanting to know if we can just put her in a bubble for a few days until I can rest and calm my nerves down! This evening she was her usual self. Kids are truely amazing.

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