Saturday, February 28, 2009


Update from Sandy this time.  Yesterday was a rough day Kaleigh did not feel good and we had to fly.  She cried the entire 55 minute flight except for about 15 minutes.  Screamed was a better word for it but after she was better.  We think she did not feel good and suspected that she had a bit of a fever but our meds were already packed in the suitcase and ready to put on the plane.  Today was a much better day and we really worked on her bonding with daddy.  She really loves him and Brent thinks that she is still more comfortable with her mommy.  She may be more comfortable with me but he really makes her laugh.  We had her physical today and they said she is healthy.  She is 28 inches tall and only 17.1 pounds which is slightly less than the last update we got but I think it is due to the transition because she doesn't eat as good for us as they said she did.  Anyway I just wanted to update everyone the next few days are getting the last of the red tape done so that we can bring her home but in the eyes of China she is ours and we even have her passport.  More later hopefully we can get more internet access but for some reason we are having problems with getting our computer to recognize cable internet.  Much love, Sandy!!



Guangzhou Baby!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

More from Free Days!!

Free Days!!

Here are photos from the last 2 days.  Yesterday we went to a local park near the hotel. Today we took a sort bus ride over to park that had temples and the tallest pagoda in the area.  Kaleigh had a rough day yesterday, she fought off sleep as much as possible.  She started eating congee yesterday or at least a few spoonfuls.  Kaleigh slept through the night last night...She struggled the night before and tossed and turned.  Kaleigh has been warming up to Sandy and loves to sleep on her chest. Kaleigh enjoys playing with me a little reluctant to make eye contact, but that will come in time.  Okay now for some photos.  Till next time!!! Brent

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Post from Sandy

Hi sorry about the delay in getting pictures but let me add to whatever Brent has said by adding how much we love this little girl.  I will say that she doesn't stop moving unless she is asleep and she seems to be responding to us very well.  Anyway it is late and we need to get the bath and bottle done for the night.  Until next time enjoy the pictures of our beautiful daughter!!!



Even More!!!!


Pictures of KALEIGH!!!

Sorry for the late posting of her pictures, but we no longer have internet service for the old Dell. We are using our friends laptop now.  Here are 2 days worth of photos.  Pictures from yesterday and today...We got Kaleigh yesterday at 3:00pm and she is very well behaved.  An angel to be precise.  Today was paperwork day with government employees and paying all of the major fees.  Hope everyone enjoys!!!!  Till next time...Brent 

Sunday, February 22, 2009