Thursday, February 5, 2009

Wonderful News!!!!!

We were surprised today with an email from our social worker. She had updated mearsurements on Kaleigh!!!!!! She is very slightly taller at just over 27.5 inches and about 17.6 pounds. I was guessing she would be between 18 and 19 pounds when we get her and it sounds like I have been guessing right. She just keeps growing and she has a very normal growth rate for those of you who think she is tiny. She was tiny at birth but growing just like she should. We can't wait to go get her and bring her home. I have been marking off the days on my calendar at work and announcing to my staff how many days until we leave. On Tuesday one of the girls started hanging a sign on my door announcing to all the world when we are leaving. She puts up a new one every morning with the new # of days and flowers and hearts and other decorations drawn on it. It is so wonderful to have friends who are just as excited for you. So by the time many of you read this (Friday) it will be only 12 more days!!!!

1 comment:

Momma P said...

This is wonderful! Im so glad to hear that she is healthy and growing right on target. Can't you just hop a plane tomorrow?!?! I'm dying to see you and Brent hold her:):)