Thursday, February 19, 2009

At O'hare!

Okay…Sandy and I are at O’hare it’s 9:15 AM CST. We have just learned that the flight is leaving at 4:00 PM, instead of 12:45 PM. Don’t know why, but the Callahan travel curse continues. Leaving Nashville was fine…No major issues, just rain. The other couples are trickling into Gate C18 as I type. The weather is rainy her in Chicago and will be changing over to snow later today. We are almost there….just a few more hours now till we board the plane. I’m sure Sandy will be updating the blog later. The terminal show Wi-Fi service, but there is nothing! So we will be updating as much as possible. Till later….Brent

1 comment:

Momma P said...

WOOOOOO...HOOOOOOO! Look at those super proud parents! One of the sweetest things I have ever experienced was the moment they placed Adyson in my arms for the 1st time, and just think that will be happening to YOU TWO very soon.
